oleh: Lasino
Guru agama tingkat sekolah dasar sering mengalami kesulitan dalam merancang program pembelajaran yang dapat diterima oleh peserta didik dengan baik. kemampuan guru dalam menarik minat siswa menjadi kunci utama keberhasilan kegiatan pembelajaran. Permainan adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menarik minat siswa, sebab usia anak-anak adalah masa "senyum seribu bunga", penuh keceriaan, kegembiraan merupakan tujuan dan harapan setiap anak. jika guru dapat mengkolaborasikan jenis-jenis permainan dengan standar kompetensi pendidikan agama Buddha, maka dapat dipastikan siswa akan sangat senang menerima pembelajaran pendidikan agama dan sangat menunggu-nunggu jadwal pembelajaran agama.
Berikut ini ada dua versi jenis permainan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan karakteristik satuan pendidikan bapak/ibu Guru Pendidikan agama Buddha dalam permainan yaitu versi bahasa Indonesia dan permainan versi bahasa Inggris, semoga secuil masukan ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi perkembangan pendidikan agama Buddha, maka selamat berlatih mengembangkan "senyum" siswa-siswi beragama Buddha dan Buddha Dhamma tetap lestari, selamat bermain
Goyang pinggang
Tangan di pinggang lalu badan
Kwek Kwek
Tangan di kepak2an
(meniru gerakan bebek)
Mula2 lambat berlanjut sampai
menyebut nama binatang dng cepat, anak sekolah minggu cukup mengikuti dengan
suara dan gerakan yg sdh kita tentukan.
Sebagai pemanasan kita minta anak
sekolah minggu menghitung dari 1-10 dengan cepat. Setelah itu minta mereka
memanggil Nama seseorang tapi dengan akhiran yang lama sampai nafas-nya habis.
Sebutkan bahwa permainannya adalah 1
Sate Tujuh Tusuk, Lakukan test tiup mic sebelum menyebut : sate ayam, biawak,
anak tukang Sate, sate padang, pacar tukang sate.
Tahap awal minta masing-masing anak
menyebutkan 1 Sate Tujuh Tusuk sebanyak 2x, Setelah semua selesai tingkatkan
menjadi 4x, 6x, dst sampai ada yang salah menyebutkan Permainan berakhir saat
tinggal 1 anak saja.
Dibawah ini ada empat ( 4 )
pertanyaan dan satu pertanyaan bonus. Jawablah semua tanpa banyak pikir. Cuma
boleh berpikir sedetik, jawab segera . OK?
Pertanyaan pertama:
Anda ikut berlomba. Anda menyalip
orang di posisi nomor dua. Sekarang posisi anda nomor berapa?
Jawaban: Jika anda menjawab Nomor
Satu, anda SALAH BESAR! Jika anda menyalip orang nomor dua, sekarang andalah
yang ada di posisi nomor dua!
Jangan ngaco lagi, ya?.
Sekarang jawab pertanyaan kedua, tapi
jangan berpikir lebih banyak daripada ketika menjawab pertanyaan pertama tadi,
OK ?
Pertanyaan Kedua:
Jika anda menyalip orang di posisi
terakhir, sekarang anda di posisi??
Jawaban: Jika anda menjawab anda orang kedua dari terakhir, anda SALAH LAGI? Coba, bagaimana caranya menyalip orang TERAKHIR?
Jawaban: Jika anda menjawab anda orang kedua dari terakhir, anda SALAH LAGI? Coba, bagaimana caranya menyalip orang TERAKHIR?
Anda sebetulnya tidak terlalu
pintar, ? kan ?
Pertanyaan ketiga:
Hitung-hitungan yang pelik! Catatan:
kerjakan di pikiran anda saja.
JANGAN gunakan kertas atau pensil atau kalkulator. Cobalah.
JANGAN gunakan kertas atau pensil atau kalkulator. Cobalah.
Ambil 1000 dan tambahkan 40 padanya.
Sekarang tambahkan 1000 lagi. Sekarang tambahkan 30 . !
Tambahkan 1000 lagi. Sekarang
tambahkan 20. Sekarang tambahkan 1000
Sekarang tambahkan 10. Berapa totalnya?
Sekarang tambahkan 10. Berapa totalnya?
Apakah hasilnya 5000 ?
Jawaban yang benar adalah 4100.
Kalau tidak percaya, cek dengan
Hari apes, ? kan ?
Mungkin di pertanyaan terakhir anda
bisa benar…
Pertanyaan keempat:
Ayah Mary punya lima anak: 1. Nana,
2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. Siapa nama anak kelima?
Apa anda menjawab Nunu?
BUKAN! Tentu saja bukan.
Anak kelima namanya Mary. Baca lagi
Okay, sekarang ronde bonus:
SEORANG bisu pergi ke toko dan ingin
membeli sikat gigi. Dengan menirukan orang menggosok gigi, ia berhasil
menyampaikan keinginannya pada penjaga toko dan ia berhasil membeli sikat gigi…
Berikutnya, seorang buta masuk ke
toko itu dan ingin membeli kacamata hitam, bagaimana DIA menunjukkan
Langsung aja ngomong, dia kan gak
Seekor kelinci sedang duduk santai
di tepi pantai, Tiba tiba datang se-ekor rubah jantan besar yang hendak
memangsanya, Lalu kelinci itu berkata: “Kalau memang kamu berani, hayo kita
berkelahi di dalam lubang kelinci, Yang kalah akan jadi santapan yang menang,
dan saya yakin saya akan menang.”
Sang Rubah jantan merasa tertantang,
“dimanapun jadi, Masa sih kelinci bisa menang melawan aku?” Merekapun masuk ke
dalam sarang kelinci, Sepuluh menit kemudian sang kelinci keluar sambil
menggenggam Setangkai paha rubah dan melahapnya dengan nikmat.
Sang Kelinci kembali bersantai,
Sambil memakai kaca mata hitam dan topi pantai Tiba tiba datang se-ekor
serigala besar yang hendak memangsanya, Lalu kelinci berkata : “Kalau memang
kamu berani, hayo kita berkelahi di dalam lubang kelinci, Yang kalah akan jadi
santapan yang menang, dan saya yakin saya akan menang. “Sang serigala merasa
tertantang, dimanapun jadi, Masa sih kelinci bisa menang melawan aku?”
Merekapun masuk ke dalam sarang kelinci, Lima belas menit kemudian sang kelinci
keluar sambil menggenggam Setangkai paha serigala dan melahapnya dengan nikmat.
Sang kelinci kembali bersantai,
Sambil memasang payung pantai dan merebahkan diri diatas pasir, Tiba tiba
datang seekor beruang besar yang hendak memangsanya, Lalu kelinci berkata:
“Kalau memang kamu berani, hayo kita berkelahi di dalam lubang kelinci, Yang
kalah akan jadi santapan yang menang, dan saya yakin saya akan menang. “Sang
Beruang merasa tertantang, “dimanapun jadi, Masa sih kelinci bisa menang
melawan aku?” Merekapun masuk ke dalam sarang kelinci, Tiga puluh menit
kemudian sang kelinci keluar sambil menggenggam Setangkai paha Beruang dan
melahapnya dengan nikmat.
Pohon kelapa melambai lambai,
Lembayung senja sudah tiba, habis sudah waktu bersantai, Sang Kelinci melongok
kedalam lubang kelinci, sambil melambai “Hai, keluar, sudah sore, besok kita
Keluarlah se-ekor harimau dari
lubang itu, sangat besar badannya. Sambil menguap Harimau berkata ” Kerjasama kita
sukses hari ini, kita makan kenyang Dan saya tidak perlu berlari mengejar
Cerita ini bisa diberikan keanak2
sekolah minggu yg masih kecil, agar lebih menarik harus dilakukan dengan suara
menirukan binatang yg ada dlm cerita.
Minta anak2 untuk menebak jumlah
buah yg disebutkan dlm lagu Sim2 Terima kasim dibawah ini:
Sim sim terimakasim sim, simpan buah
RAMBUTAN tan, tanduk nama PISANG sang,
sanggup makan DELIMA
ma, MANGGA rasanya ASEM sem, SEMANGKA
berbiji ji,
jingga warna ANGGUR
gur, guru membeli DUKU ku, KURMA dari arab rab,
LABU senin selasa sa, SALAK
dari bali li, LIMAU buah PEPAYA.
Total ada 13 nama buah, tapi umumnya
akan menjawab 12 karena LABU terdengar seperti rabu.
ini diposting pada Rabu 19 September 2007 , 09:13 dan dikategorikan kedalam Dasa Paramita. Anda
dapat mengikuti respon untuk entri ini melalui feed RSS 2.0.
Anda dapat meninggalkan sebuah respon, atau trackback
dari situs anda.
Sebuah kategori bahan ajar saya
tambahkan, yaitu “Permainan Anak”. Kategori ini berisi ratusan pola permainan,
lengkap dengan petunjuk memainkannya. Sajiannya diberikan dalam beberapa jenis
permainan seperti permainan di dalam ruangan, permainan di luar ruangan,
permainan untuk anak yang lebih besar, dan sebagainya.
Jika rekan-rekan pecinta anak-anak, orang tua,
guru, atau pembina anak menemukan bahwa tulisannya
dalam bahasa Inggris dan kesulitan memahaminya, jangan buru-buru putus asa; ada
cara mudah mengatasinya.
Begini cara menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa
1. Arahkan
kursor Anda ke menu “TRANSLATE TO YOUR LANGUAGE” di bagian
kanan atas halaman ini. Silakan pilih bendera SELAIN bahasa
Inggris dengan mengklik benderanya. Ingat, jangan pilih bendera untuk bahasa
Inggris, pilih saja bahasa China, Jepang, Jerman atau apa saja asal bukan
bahasa Inggris.
2. Kemudian
semua tulisan akan diterjemahkan ke bahasa yang Anda pilih. Perhatikan, di
bagian teratas halaman akan muncul “Google Terjemahan”.
Perhatikan bagian tengah kolom pilihan yang tersedia di baris kedua. Pada
bagian itu terdapat kotak untuk menentukan pilihan “Terjemahan dari: ……
” dan “Terjemahan ke: …… “
3. Pilih
menu di kotak “Terjemahan dari: …… ” dan pilih menu bahasa yang tadinya Anda
pilih, untuk diterjemahkan kembali ke Bahasa Indonesia dengan menentukan
pilihan “Bahasa Indonesia” di kotak “Terjemahan ke: …… “, lalu klik kotak
bertulisan “Terjemahkan”.
4. Memang
terjemahannya tidak sempurna, tapi biasanya sudah bisa dipahami. OK, sekarang
mari kita lihat &nikmati saja sajian aneka permainan di bawah ini.
Pada bagian pertama,
saya tampilkan aneka permainan yang dikumpulkan oleh:
Secretary for Health and Recreation, County Work
Department of the International Committee of Young Men’s Christian
For Primary Pupils
Cat and Mouse
One pupil is designated to play the role of cat,
another that of mouse. The mouse can escape the cat by sitting in the seat with
some other pupil. Thereupon that pupil becomes mouse. Should the cat tag a
mouse before it sits in a seat, the mouse becomes cat and the cat becomes
mouse, and the latter must get into a seat to avoid being tagged.
Aviation Meet
Three pupils constitute a team. Two are
mechanicians, one the aviator. Each team is to have a piece of string about 25
feet long, free from knots. A small cornucopia of paper is placed upon each
string. The mechanicians hold the ends of the string while the aviator, at the
signal to go, blows the cornucopia along the string. The string must be held
level by the mechanicians. The aviator first succeeding in doing this, wins for
his team.
Button, Button
The pupils sit or stand in a circle with their
hands in front of them, palms together. The one who has been selected to be
“It” takes a position in the center of the circle, with
his hands in a similar position. A button is held between his hands. He goes
around the circle and places his hand over those of various individuals,
dropping the button into the hands of one. He continues about the circle, still
making the motions of dropping the button in the hands of others, so as to
deceive those making up the ring. After he has taken his place in the center of
the circle, those in the ring endeavor to guess into whose hands he has dropped
the button, the one succeeding in doing this takes the button and continues the
Some object is determined upon for hiding, such
as a coin, a button, a thimble, etc. A pupil is sent from the room. During his
absence the object is hidden. Upon his return the children buzz vigorously when
he is near to the object sought and very faintly when he is some distance away.
The object is located by the intensity of the buzzing.
Hide in Sight
In this game all of the pupils except one are
sent from the room. The one left in the room hides a coin, or some similar
object, somewhere in plain sight. It must be visible without having to move any
object. When hidden, the rest of the pupils are called back and start the
search. When a pupil finds the coin, after attempting to mislead the others by continuing
his search in different quarters, he returns to his seat without disclosing its
whereabouts. As it is found by others, the group of seekers will gradually
diminish until there is but one left. When he finds it, the coin is again
hidden by the one first finding it.
A certain color is determined upon. Each pupil in
turn must name some object which is of that color. Failing to do this he goes
to the foot of the line, provided some one beyond him can think of any object of that color. If no more objects can be thought of, a new
color is selected.
I See Red
One pupil is given the privilege of thinking of
some object in the room, of which he discloses the color to the rest of the
pupils. For example, if he sees a red apple he says, “I see red.” Thereupon the
other pupils endeaver to guess what red object in the room is thought of. The
one succeeding, next selects the object to be guessed.
Hide the Clock
This is a good quiet game for the schoolroom. A
loud ticking clock is necessary for the game. All of the pupils are sent from
the room. One of their number is selected to hide the clock. The others, upon
coming back, try to locate it by its ticking. The one succeeding has the
privilege of next hiding the clock.
Poison Seat
The children all endeavor to shift seats at the
clapping of the hands of the teacher. Have one less seat than pupils, so that
one may be left without a seat. This can be arranged by placing a book on one
seat and calling this “Poison Seat.” The child sitting on this seat is
“poisoned” and out of the game. Add a book to a seat after each change, so as
to eliminate one player each time. The one left after all have been eliminated,
wins the game. Should the teacher clap her hands twice in succession, that is
the signal for all of the pupils to return to their own seats.
Aisle Hunt
Some object—a coin will do—is selected to be
hidden. The children of one of the aisles leave the room, the others determine
upon a hiding place and hide the coin in plain sight. Those out of the room are
called back and look for the hidden object. As soon as it is found, the first
one finding it goes to his seat and calls, “First.” He is
not to call until he is actually in his seat. The second one to find it returns
to his seat and calls, “Second,” and so on until it has been found by all in
the aisle. If there are six aisles in the room, the occupants of the first six
seats in the aisle seeking the hidden object determine which aisle leaves the
room next. For illustration,—if the pupil in the second seat is the first one
to find the object, then the second aisle of the room will be the one to leave
the room for the next hunt. Likewise if the pupil of the third seat is the
first to find the object, the third aisle will be the one which next has the
privilege of enjoying the hunt. If there are more pupils in the aisle than
there are aisles in the room, the pupils in the last seats do not count.
New Orleans
The pupils of the room are divided into two
groups. One side decides upon some action it will represent, such as sawing
wood, washing clothes, etc., and thereupon represents the action. The other
group has five chances to guess what the first group is trying to represent.
Failing to do this, they must forfeit one of their players to the second group
and the same side again represents an action.
When a group presents an action to the others,
the following dialogue takes place:
First Group: Here we come.
Second Group: Where from?
First Group: New Orleans.
Second Group: What’s your trade?
First Group: Lemonade.
Second Group: How is it made?
Second Group: Where from?
First Group: New Orleans.
Second Group: What’s your trade?
First Group: Lemonade.
Second Group: How is it made?
The first group then represents the action.
Birds Fly
This is an attention game. The teacher stands
before the class and instructs them that if she mentions some bird or object
which flies and raises her arms sideward, imitating the flapping of the wings
of a bird, the pupils are to follow her example. But if
she mentions some animal or some object which does not fly, she may raise her
arms sideward and upward, imitating the flying position, but the pupils are not
to follow her example. If they are caught doing so, they must take their seats.
For example,—the teacher says, “Owls fly”. Thereupon she and all the children
raise their arms sideward and upward. She says, “Bats fly” and raises her arms.
She next says, “Lions fly” and raises her arms, thereupon the pupils are
supposed to keep their arms at their sides.
Music Rush
A march is played on the piano and the children
march from their seats in single file around the room. As soon as the music
stops, all rush to get into their seats. The last one in, must remain in his
seat during the second trial. If there is no piano in the room, drumming on the
top of a desk will do as well.
Change Seat Relay
The teacher claps her hands. This is the signal
for all to shift one seat back. The one in the rear seat runs forward and sits
in the front seat. The first aisle to become properly seated wins one point.
Again the hands are clapped and the pupils shift one seat back, and the one
then at the rear runs forward and takes the front seat and so the game
continues until all have run forward from the back seat to the front. The aisle
scoring the largest number of points wins.
Charlie over the Water
This is an old game and is always popular. The
children form a ring, joining hands. One is selected to be “It” and takes his
place in the center. Those in the ring then dance around, singing,
“Charlie, over the water,
Charlie, over the sea,
Charlie, catch a blackbird,
But can’t catch me.”
Charlie, over the sea,
Charlie, catch a blackbird,
But can’t catch me.”
Having completed these
lines, they all assume a stooping position before “Charlie,” who is “It,” can
tag them. If he succeeds in tagging one, that one takes his place in the circle
and the game continues.
Tap Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. All
bend their heads forward, placing their faces in the palms of their hands on
the top of the desk. At the signal to go, given by the teacher, the one in the
last seat in each aisle sits up, claps his hands and taps the back of the one
in front of him, which is the signal for the one in front to sit up, clap, and
tap the one next in front of him, and so the tap is passed until it reaches the
one in the front seat of the aisle, who, upon being tapped, stands up, clapping
his hands above his head. The first to stand and clap hands above head wins the
Rat-a-tat Race
Similar to the preceding race with the exception
that upon the signal to go the one in the back seat knocks with the knuckles of
his right hand on the top of the desk a “rat-tat, rat-tat-tat,” as in a drum
beat, and then taps with the knuckles the back of the one next in front of him,
who repeats the performance, tapping off the one in front, and so on. The race
ends when the individual in the front seat of an aisle taps the “rat-tat,
rat-tat-tat” and stands up.
Bowing Race
A book is handed to the pupil in the last seat of
each aisle. At the signal to go the pupils holding the book step into the aisle
at the right hand side of their desks, holding the books on the tops of their
heads with both hands, and make a bow. Then returning to their seats, hit the
book on the top of the desk and pass it on to the next one in front, who
repeats the performance, as does every one else in the aisle. The one in the
front seat of the aisle finishes the race by bowing with the
book upon his head, then running forward, and placing the book upon the
teacher’s desk.
Spin Around Race
A boy is selected from each aisle to take his
place at least six feet in front of the aisle. Upon the signal to go, the last
boy in each aisle runs forward to the right of his desk and links his left arm
in the right arm of the boy standing in front of his aisle, and in this
position spins around twice, returning to his seat, and tagging off the boy
next in front of him, who repeats the performance. The last boy in the aisle to
spin around ends the race when he has returned to a sitting position in his
For Intermediate Pupils
Initial Tag
A pupil who is “It” is sent to the board. He
writes thereupon the initial of some other pupil in the room. That pupil is to
try to tag “It” before he can return to his seat. If successful, he becomes
“It” and continues the game by writing some one else’s initial on the board.
Magic Music
One pupil is sent from the room. Thereupon the
remaining pupils hide some object agreed upon. The pupil sent from the room is
recalled. The teacher or one of the pupils plays the piano loudly when the
seeker approaches the hidden article and softly when some distance from it. The
seeker determines the location by the volume of the music.
Hunt the Rattler
All of the players in the room are blindfolded,
except one, who is given a tin can in which is placed a loose pebble. He is
known as the “rattler.” The blindfolded players attempt to locate and tag the
rattler by the rattle. The one successful takes the place of the rattler.
The pupils stand in a circle in the center of
which is “It” blindfolded, holding in his hand a blunt stick about 12 or 15
inches long. Those in the circle dance around two or three
times, so that the blindfolded player may not know their position. At the
command “Stand,” given by the one blindfolded, all must stand still. Thereupon,
by feeling with his stick, “It” tries to discern an individual in the ring.
“It” is forbidden to use his hands, in trying to discover who the individual
is. If he succeeds in guessing, the individual guessed must take his place.
Otherwise he proceeds to some other individual in the circle whom he tries to
Name Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A
slip is handed to the one in the first seat in each row. At the signal to go,
he writes his full name thereupon and passes it immediately to the one next
behind him, who writes his name and passes it on. When the one in the last seat
in the row has added his name to the slip, he rushes forward and places the
slip upon the teacher’s desk. The aisle first succeeding in accomplishing this
task, wins.
Frogs in Sea
One pupil sits in tailor fashion in the center of
the playing space. The others try to tease him by approaching as closely as
they dare, calling him “Frog in the sea, Can’t catch me.” If the frog succeeds
in tagging any of the other players, that player must take his place. The frog is
not allowed to change from his sitting position in his effort to tag the other
Corner Spry
The pupils in the room are divided into four
equal teams. Each team is assigned to a different corner. A leader stands in
front of each team with a bean bag, cap, or ball. At the signal to start the
leader tosses to and receives from each member of his team in turn the bean
bag. Having received the bag from the last one in his line, he takes his place
at the foot of the line, and the one at the head of the line becomes leader and proceeds to toss the ball to each member as did
the preceding leader. The group, in which all have served as leaders and which
successfully completes the game first, wins.
AA. Flag Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Flags
are given to the pupils in each front seat. On the signal to go, each pupil
holding a flag steps out on the right hand side of the seat, runs around the
front of his own aisle, back on the left hand side, around the rear seat,
returning to his own seat up the right hand aisle, and hands the flag on to the
one next behind him, who continues the race. When all the pupils in the aisle
have circled their row of seats with the flag, the last one, instead of
returning to his seat, runs forward and holds the flag above his head in front
of his aisle. The one first succeeding in reaching the front, wins the race.
In this race it is often better to run two aisles
at a time and thus avoid the possibility of pupils bumping into each other in
their attempt to race through the aisles. In this way the various winners can
race against each other, making an interesting contest.
BB. Seat Vaulting Tag
A pupil is selected to be “It.” He attempts to
tag any other pupil in the same aisle in which he stands. The pupils avoid
being tagged by vaulting over the seats. No one is allowed to run around either
end. “It” cannot reach across the desk in his effort to tag another. He must be
in the same aisle or tag as one is vaulting a seat. A pupil becomes “It” as
soon as tagged.
CC. Jerusalem, Jericho, Jemima
This is a simple game of attention. The three
words in the title are near enough alike to require close attention on the part
of the pupil to distinguish between them and to act accordingly. Have the
pupils turn in their seats facing the aisle. If the
teacher says “Jerusalem”, the pupils stand. If she says, “Jericho”, they raise
their arms momentarily forward and upward. If she says, “Jemima”, they sit
down. Any child making a mistake sits in her seat and faces to the front.
An attention game. The pupils stand in the aisle
beside their seats. In starting the game, the teacher asks them to face to the
north, then to the south, then to the east, and to the west, so that they have
the directions fixed in their minds. She then proceeds to tell a story or to
make statements such as the following, “I came from the north.” At the mention
of the word “north” all the pupils must turn and face towards the north. “But
since I have arrived in the south,”—at the mention of the word “south” they all
turn and face the south, etc. If the teacher should say “wind,” the pupils
imitate the whistling of the wind; if “whirlwind” is mentioned, all must spin
about on their heels a complete turn. Failing to do any of the required turns,
the pupil takes his seat.
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Those
in the front seats are Number 1, those next behind them, Number 2, and so on
back. The teacher calls some number. The pupils having that number race to the
board and write thereupon the name of some river, returning to their seats. The
first one back wins one point for his team. The game continues until all the
numbers have been called, the team having the most points wins.
Spelling Words
Have the pupils in aisle 1 face those in aisle 2,
those in aisle 3 face 4, those in aisle 5 face 6. Appoint a captain for each
aisle. The captain of one team starts spelling a word containing more than
three letters. The captain of the team facing his, adds the second
letter, not knowing what word the captain of the other team had in mind. The
second man of the first team adds a third letter; the second man of the second
team adds a fourth, each team trying to avoid completing the word. The team
completing the word loses one point to the other team. For example, the first
man of team A says “g,” the first man of team B says “o,” thinking of “gold.”
The second man on team A says “o,” thinking of “goose.” The second man on team
B can only think of “good” and contributes “d,” ending the word. Team A
thereupon scores a point. The third man of team A continues the game by
starting another word. When the ends of the aisles are reached the word, if
uncompleted, is passed to the head of the line and continued.
If there are four aisles in the room, there will
be two groups playing at the same time; six aisles, three groups; eight aisles,
four groups. The captains of opposing teams keep a record of the score.
This game stimulates quick thinking. Some one is
selected by the teacher to start the game, and thereupon gives some word to
which the first pupil in the aisle must give a rhyming word before the former
can count ten. Failing to do this, the leader continues and gives a word to the
second one in the aisle. The rhyming words are to be given before the leader
has completed his count of ten. Then the one succeeding in giving the word
replaces the leader.
Clapping Song
A pupil is selected by the teacher to clap the
rhythm of some familiar air. The rest of the children in the room endeavor to
guess the song clapped. The pupil succeeding in doing this is given an
opportunity to clap another song.
Indian Trail
A pupil is blindfolded and placed in the front of
the room. Other pupils, one or two at a time, are given
the opportunity to stealthily approach the one blindfolded, in an endeavor to
take some object, from before his feet, such as a flower pot and saucer, or a
tin can with a loose pebble in it, without being detected by the one
blindfolded. If a pupil succeeds in taking back the object to his seat without
having been heard, he wins a point for his aisle. Where two pupils are sent
forward at the same time, two similar objects must be placed at the foot of the
one blindfolded. The aisle scoring the largest number of points in this way
wins the game.
Number Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. They
are numbered, beginning with the one in the first seat. The teacher describes
some mathematical problem she desires done and calls certain numbers. All the
pupils having those numbers rush to the board and compute the problem. The
first back to his seat wins a point for his team, the aisle gaining the largest
number of points wins the game.
Multiplication Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The
teacher decides on a multiplication table which is to be placed upon the board.
A piece of chalk is handed to the first pupil in each aisle. At the signal to
go Number 1 goes to the board and writes the first example in the
multiplication table thereupon. Returning to his seat, he hands the chalk to
the one next behind him, who puts the next step in the multiplication table on
the board, and so the race continues until the one in the last seat has
returned to his seat, after adding his part to the table. The one first back to
his seat wins for his aisle.
History Race
Similar to the preceding, with the exception that
the pupils are requested to write upon the board the name of
some historical personage or some historical event, date, etc.
Poem Race
The pupils having learned some poem may use it in
a game in the following way:
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. At
the signal to go the last pupil in each aisle stands up and recites the first
line of the poem, returns to his seat and taps the one next in front of him,
who stands up and repeats the second line of the poem, sits down and taps off
the third pupil, who repeats the third line, and so the game continues. If the
poem has not been completed after the one in the front seat has said his line,
he taps the one next behind him, and that one is supposed to give the next line
and so on back. The aisle first completing a poem wins the race.
If the poem be a very small one, words of the
poem instead of lines may be used. If it be a long one, verses instead of lines
may be used.
Last Man
This is a good active game thoroughly enjoyed by
the children. The teacher selects one pupil to be “It,” and another to be
chased. The one chased can stand at the rear of any aisle and say, “Last man.”
Thereupon the front pupil in that aisle is subject to being tagged by “It” and
leaves his seat. All the other pupils in that aisle advance one seat and the
first man chased sits down in the last seat in the aisle. “It” tries to tag the
man who left the front seat before he can go to the rear of any of the aisles.
Should he succeed in doing so, he can immediately be tagged back if he does not
hurry to the rear of some aisle and say “Last man.”(Caution: Should any child appear fatigued when
“It,” substitute another child in his place).
Change Seats
This is a good relaxation game. The teacher says,
“Change seats left.” Thereupon all the pupils shift to
the seats to their left. The children who are in the last aisle on the left
must run around the room and occupy the vacant seats on the right hand side.
Should the teacher say, “Change seats right,” the reverse of the proceeding is
necessary. The teacher can also say, “Change seats front,” or “Change seats
rear,” and the pupils are expected to obey the commands. Those left without
seats must run to the other end of the room and take any seat found vacant
Relay Run Around
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The
pupil in the last seat in each row, upon the signal to go, steps out in the
right hand aisle, runs forward around the front of his row of seats, back on
the left hand side, circling the rear seat, and sits down, touching off the
next pupil in front of him, who repeats the performance. The aisle first
accomplishing the run, wins.
For Advanced and High School Pupils
The group is divided into two equal teams. A
leader is chosen for each. The leader of Team A begins the game by giving the
name of a country beginning with the letter “A” (Austria). The leader of Team B
gives another country beginning with “A”. The second member of Team A, another;
the second member of Team B, another; until one of the teams cannot think of
any more countries beginning with “A”. That team last thinking of a country
wins one point. The other members of the team can help their team mate, whose
turn it is, by suggesting other countries. The member of the team failing to
name a country beginning with “A”, starts with the letter “B” and the game
continues, until one team has won ten points. The names of rivers, mountains,
states, cities, etc., can be substituted for the names of countries.
Seeing and Remembering
Fifteen or twenty articles are placed upon a
table under a sheet, in front of the pupils. The sheet is removed for a space
of 10 seconds and the pupils are given a good chance to study the articles on
the table. After the sheet has again covered the articles, each pupil is
requested to write as many of the articles as can be remembered, on a sheet of
paper. The one remembering the largest number wins.
The teacher selects some word from the
dictionary, which is written upon the blackboard. Each
pupil then writes the definition of that word on a slip of paper. After this is
done, the teacher compares the definition with that in the dictionary. The one
giving the definition nearest like that in the dictionary wins, and gives the
next word to be defined.
Jumbled Words
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Each
pupil in the aisle is given a number. The one in each front seat is Number 1,
the one behind him Number 2, and so on back. The teacher has prepared a
different sentence for each aisle with just as many words in it as there are
pupils in the aisle. One of these slips is handed to Number 1 of each team.
Number 1 takes the first word of the sentence as his word, Number 2 the second,
Number 3 the third, and so on. When the last one in the aisle has learned the
last word in the sentence, the slips are returned to the teacher. Competition
can be added to this phase of the game by seeing which aisle can return the
slip to the teacher first.When the slips have all been turned in, the
teacher calls any number. Thereupon the pupils in each aisle having that number,
go to the blackboard and write distinctly their word from the sentence. For
example, the teacher calls Number 3. Number 3 of aisle 1 had the word “money”;
Number 3 of aisle 2 “can,” etc.
Next the teacher calls Number 5. All the Number
5′s go to the blackboard and write their words directly after those written by
their previous team mate. When all the numbers have been called there is a
jumbled sentence on the board for each aisle. The pupils of the various aisles
then try to guess what the sentences of the other aisles are. Each one guessed,
counts 5 points.
Descriptive Adjectives
An historical personage is selected, such as
Columbus, George Washington, etc. The first pupil called upon must
describe the subject with a descriptive adjective beginning with “A”. The
second, third, and fourth, etc., adding to this description by using adjectives
beginning with the letter “A”. This continues until the adjectives beginning
with the letter “A” have been exhausted. Then the letter “B” is used and the
game continues. It is well to change the subject after every fourth or fifth
letter. This is a good game for adding to the vocabulary of the pupil. A little
fun can be had by using, instead of an historical subject, one of the pupils of
the room for description.
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The
one in the front seat in each aisle is Number 1, the one behind him, Number 2,
etc.The teacher has a number of cards upon each of
which appears a letter of the alphabet. The teacher holds up one of these letters
so that it can be distinctly seen by the pupils. Number 1 of each aisle must
name some article sold in a grocery store, beginning with the letter held up by
the teacher. (For example,—the teacher holds up the letter “F”; Number 1 of the
second aisle calls, “Flour”). The pupil first naming an article of that letter
is given the card containing the letter. The next card held up, the number 2′s
of each team are to name the article, and likewise the winner to be awarded the
card. The aisle having the most cards at the end of the game wins.
The letters can be written on the blackboard if
the cards are not available for the game and points awarded to each winner. The
game can also be used with birds, animals, and other subjects in place of
articles sold in a store. This is a good game to stimulate quick thinking.
Distinguishing Sounds
This game is good training for the ear. Various
noises, such as the shaking of a pebble in a tin can, in a wooden box, in a
pasteboard box, in a large envelope; knocking on wood, on
tin, on coin (as silver dollar), on stone, on brass, on lead,—are made. The
pupils are allowed to guess just what the noise is caused by.
This is a good relaxing game and one in which the
practice of self control is a factor. An open handkerchief is tossed into the
air. While it is in the air the pupils are to laugh as heartily as they can,
but the instant the handkerchief touches the floor, all laughing is to stop.
Guessing Dimensions
The ability to measure with the eye is well worth
cultivating. Each pupil is to guess the distance between various points
indicated on the blackboard, the height of a door, the width and the height of
a school desk, the height of the schoolroom, the thickness of a book, etc. Each
of the guesses is written on a slip of paper. The pupil with the best guesses
Mysterious Articles
An article is concealed under a cloth on the
table. Each pupil is given an opportunity to feel the article through the cloth
and guess what it is, educating the sense of touch.
Distinguishing by Smell
Various articles invisible to the eye, with
distinctive odors, such as vinegar, rose, mustard, vanilla, ginger, clove, tea,
coffee, chocolate, soap, etc., are placed before the pupil. The one able to
distinguish the largest number of articles by the smell, wins the game.
Art Gallery
Pictures of a number of famous paintings by the
masters are placed on exhibition. The pupil guessing the largest number of
masters and titles, of the various pictures, wins.
Drawing Animals
The teacher whispers in the ear of each pupil the
name of some animal, whereupon the pupil proceeds to draw that animal, each
pupil being given the name of a different animal. Drawings are made and put on
exhibition. All try to guess as many as possible of the animals represented in
the drawings. The drawing securing the largest number of correct guesses wins
for the artist.
Historical Pictures
A long sheet of paper is given to each pupil,
with instructions to draw thereupon a picture representing some historical
event. After completing the drawing, each paper is passed about the room. Each
pupil writes underneath the picture what he thinks the picture represents. His
subject is folded under, so that the next pupil to receive the picture cannot
see what his guess has been. At the end of the game, the picture having the
largest number of correct guesses wins.
Train of Thoughts
A word is suggested by the teacher. This is
written at the top of a sheet of paper by each pupil. The pupil then writes
beneath that word various thoughts that are suggested to him by the word. For
instance, the word suggested by the teacher is “aeroplane”. Pupil A has
suggested to him by the word “aeroplane”, humming. He writes that on his list.
Humming suggests bees. Bees suggest honey; honey, clover, clover summer, summer
swimming hole, etc. When all of the pupils have written fifteen or twenty
thoughts which have suggested themselves to them, each is called upon to read
his train of thoughts to the rest of the class.
Bowknot Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A
piece of string is given to each pupil in the front seat. At a
signal to start each pupil with the string runs forward and ties it in a
bowknot on some article placed in front of each aisle. After tying the bow, he
returns to his seat and touches the one in the seat next behind him. Thereupon
the second member of the team runs, unties the bowknot, returns with the
string; and hands it to the third, who runs forward, and ties it in a bowknot,
as did the first, and returning touches off the fourth, etc. The aisle in which
each pupil has accomplished the required task first, wins the race.
Cooking Race
This is a good game for the class in domestic
science. The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A piece of chalk is handed
to the one in each front seat. At the signal to go, the chalk is passed back
until it reaches the one in the last seat in the row. Every one in the aisle
must have handled the chalk in passing it back. Upon receiving it, the last one
in the row runs forward to the board and writes thereupon an ingredient
necessary in the making of cake. Returning, the chalk is handed to the one in
the front seat and again passed back until it gets to the one in the next to
the last seat, who rushes to the board and writes another ingredient necessary
in cake making. And so the race continues. When the last pupil at the board,
namely the one from the front seat, has written upon the board and returned to
her seat, the race is ended. The race is won by the aisle first completing this
Spelling Game
The group, if numbering 40 or more pupils, is
divided into two teams. The contestants of each team are given a different
letter of the alphabet. The teacher gives a word. Thereupon the pupils in both
teams whose letter occurs in the word named, run one to the front and one to
the rear of the room, as assigned by the teacher, and take their places in the
order in which their letter occurs in the word. When the pupils have taken
their proper position, they call out the letters they
represent, spelling the word. The group first accomplishing this, wins one
point for their team. If the letter occurs twice in the same word, that pupil
representing that letter takes his place where the letter first occurs in the
word and shifts to the second position, so as to help complete the word.If the group be too small for two alphabets the
game can be played by having but one and seeing which of the various words
given is formed in the quickest time by the single group.
Grammar Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A
piece of chalk is given to the one in each front seat. At the signal to go, the
one with the chalk rushes to the board and writes the first word of a sentence
on the board and returns to his seat, passing the chalk on to the second one,
who writes the second word for a sentence. The third writes the third, and so
on until a complete sentence has been written upon the board. The one in the
last seat must complete the sentence and return to his seat, ending the race.
Twenty-five points is awarded the team finishing
first; twenty-five points to each team with correct spelling; twenty-five
points for the team with the best writing; twenty-five points for the best
composition of the sentence.
Schoolroom Tag
A three foot circle is made with a piece of chalk
in the front of the room. Each pupil in the room is given a different number.
The teacher selects one to be “It,” who must stand at least ten feet from the
circle and be touching a side wall. “It” calls a number. The pupil whose number
is called tries to run through the circle in the front of the room and get back
to his seat without being tagged by “It”. The one who is “It” must run through
the circle before he can tag the one whose number he called. If the pupil is
tagged he becomes “It”.
An attention game. Taking for granted that the
pupils have a general knowledge of the directions of various towns or cities in
their state or the surrounding states, the following game can be played.All are requested to stand in the aisle beside
their seats. The teacher then proceeds to make statements or tell some story,
mentioning the names of various cities and towns. At the mention of these the
pupils face in the direction in which said cities or towns are located. Failing
to turn correctly when a city is mentioned the pupil is required to take his
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BalasHapusTEST JUGA : :x :y :z
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